Marylou K Gillman’s Author Page


Postcards from Mia

Postcards from Mia by: Marylou K. Gillman
Postcards from Mia by: Marylou K. Gillman

by: Marylou K. Gillman

Available now on AMAZON !

Hello Friends ~This is the story of Mia, a beloved pet chicken who decided one day to go on a walking tour of the world. Mia had lived with a mountain family where she was treated like the loyal friend she was. They lived happily together for many years. One evening Mia was not waiting on the porch when her family came out to say good night. They looked and looked ~ and there was no sign of her. After a few weeks, a postcard arrived to the family from Mia. She was wandering the world, visiting other chickens, at other coops. Have you seen a black and white chicken wandering through your town? That’s Mia! Say hello to her from her family! Mia drew pictures of her new friends and then sent the postcards back to her family. Do any of these chickens look like one of your backyard flock?What do you think Mia wrote to us on each postcard? You probably know what a chicken would say, right?? We never could read her chicken scratching.~ MKG P.S. She even sent individual pictures of the twins, you know, double yolkers ! Can you find them ?P.P.S.S. Can you find the Fox and the Goose who snuck in the book?