Fiction Books

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Civil War
Detective – Mystery
Paranormal Romance
Science Fiction






Individual books are also found below, and are links to more details.

The Kimbo – Stop the Presses! – Series
Books 1-4

Mystic Seer Book One

COVER The Kimbo - Stop the Presses! - Series Book 1 Mystic Seer
The Kimbo – Stop the Presses! – Series Book 1 Mystic Seer

Humorous Fiction: A newspaper reporter, a gypsy and a crystal ball try to find if one man can really predict the outcome of the stock market.




I am the News Book Two

COVER I am the News - The Kimbo -Stop the Presses! Series - Book One by S.L.Kotar & J.E. Gessler
I am the News – The Kimbo -Stop the Presses! Series – Book One by S.L.Kotar & J.E. Gessler

Returning home to deal with a tax audit, Kimbo is confronted with an unexpected roommate and a murder rap.

Antie EM Book Three

COVER Antie EM The Kimbo - Stop the Presses! Series Book Three by S.L.Kotar and J.E.Gessler
Antie EM The Kimbo – Stop the Presses! Series Book Three by S.L.Kotar and J.E.Gessler

Investigating an unexplained electronic blackout across the city, Kimbo and Gypsy stumble into OZ.

Ashes to Ashes and all that Jazz  Book Four

Ashes to Ashes and all that Jazz The Kimbo – Stop The Presses! Series – Book Four by S.L. Kotar and J.E. Gessler

Humorous Fiction What starts as a boring reporting of a wealthy man’s funeral ends in a mystery of modern day grave robbers.



COVER Target'd S.L.Kotar & J.E.Gessler
Target’d S.L.Kotar & J.E.Gessler

Target’d a Science Fiction novel of space travel filled with suspense and danger. While on a mission to the outer quadrant of the galaxy, the star cruiser Target is struck by an unknown force, putting the entire crew in

Star Bright

A science fiction space travel novel, sequel to Target’d. The skeleton

Star Bright S.L.Kotar & J.E.Gessler

crew six months out from the catastrophic collision, is demoralized facing certain starvation on the paralyzed ship.  Psychic impressions of an  alien presence brings even more conflict mixed with a glimmer of hope.

Postcards from Mia

Postcards from Mia by: Marylou K. Gillman
Postcards from Mia by: Marylou K. Gillman

Postcards from Mia is an illustrated fiction novel. Enjoy the humor of Mia, the chicken, and her journey to chicken coops around the world.

I am the Ship

I Am the Ship by: S.L. Kotar / J.E. Gessler
I Am the Ship by: S.L. Kotar / J.E. Gessler

A suspense filled science fiction thriller that pins the hope of humanity on one infamous Captain and his ship against aliens that threatened total annihilation.

Blue Moon

An historical fiction novel about an Indian legend of a red-haired

Blue Moon by: S.L. Kotar/J.E. Gessler
Blue Moon by: S.L. Kotar/J.E. Gessler

white boy, born of earthquake and comet in a month with two full moons, who would save the tribes along the Mighty Mississippi.

The Kansas Pirate Series Books 1-3

COVERs Kansas Pirate Series S.L.Kotar & J.E.Gessler
Kansas Pirate Series S.L.Kotar & J.E.Gessler

Kansas Pirate Series is an historically accurate Western fiction adventure series set in Kansas just prior to the American Civil War.

Wolf Eyes

Wolf Eyes S.L. Kotar / J.E. Gessler
Wolf Eyes S.L. Kotar / J.E. Gessler

A widower and his two young daughters leave Scotland for a new start in 1965 NYC. What he learns as he struggles for survival comes close to shattering his identity and his soul.

The Hell Hole Saga Books 1-3

Hell Hole Saga S.L.Kotar & J.E.Gessler

Best Historical Western series for an accurate view of Post Civil War America.

Shepherd of the Kingdom

A stranger is drawn into to a kingdom unknown to the civilized world full of mysticism and superstitions. He must ultimately decide how – or if – he can use his powers to fulfil a prophecy decreed in the time before time.

Shepherd of the Kingdom by: S.L. Kotar / J.E. Gessler
Shepherd of the Kingdom by: S.L. Kotar / J.E. Gessler


O N E 

A science fiction space travel thriller has the crew of ONE’s maiden voyage facing a crisis of unendurable magnitude.

ONE by: S.L. Kotar / J.E. Gessler
ONE by: S.L. Kotar / J.E. Gessler



A suspense thriller psychological novel  of a most unexpected and disconcerting journey.

Catman by S.L. Kotar / J.E. Gessler
Catman by S.L. Kotar / J.E. Gessler


The Hugh Kerr Mystery Series Books 1-17

The best Detective Murder Mystery Series set in Los Angels in the 1950’s.

New Beginnings Series Books 1-5

Medical Fiction – A psychiatric drama based on one man’s dream of creating a institute where conventional mental and physical therapy are challenged.

the ReproBate saga – Books 1-17

Best historically accurate fictional series about the life and times of a Civil War Confederate blockade runner, his ship, his life and his love.

A Frog’s Kiss

A Frog Kiss by Betsy J. Bennett
A Frog Kiss by Betsy J. Bennett

The Dragon Roost Bed and Breakfast Series Books 1-3


Santa Takes A Wife

COVER Santa Takes A Wife Betsy J Bennett
Santa Takes A Wife by Betsy J Bennett

Yes, Virginia 

COVER Yes, Virginia By: Betsy J. Bennett
Yes, Virginia By: Betsy J. Bennett

COVER Her Puzzle by Betsy J. Bennett

COVER Her Puzzle by Betsy J. Bennett

Nightrealm Series Books 1-5

Nightrealm Series Alexander Z. Kautz

The Friday Night Story

Best Horror Short Stories – Join me now if you dare, upon the doorstep to dark fantasy and terror, tales gathered and shared within, The Friday Night Story.

COVER The Friday Night Story Alexander Z. Kautz
The Friday Night Story Alexander Z. Kautz


Maura and The End of Magic Maura and the End of Magic Cover


Charlene Raddon’s Books

  • Charlene Raddon's To Have and To Hold
  • Charlene Raddon's The Scent of Roses
  • Charlene Raddon's Tender Touch
  • Charlene Raddon's Taming Jenna
  • Charlene Raddon's Forever Mine


Abbey Elliott’s Books

  • The Path of the Forgiven
  • The Map Makers Daughter
  • Finding Roots
  • It Wasn't By Chance

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