I Am The Ship

I Am the Ship by: S.L. Kotar / J.E. Gessler
I Am the Ship by: S.L. Kotar / J.E. Gessler

A Science Fiction Thriller by
S.L. Kotar and J.E. Gessler

Published by: Ahead of The Press

Available  Now on  AMAZON

I Am The Ship
Captain Elfert Malkin’s name was synonymous with that of his ship as it was said he treasured her life over his own. When Invaders breached the outer rim of the galaxy entering The Community, they threatened total annihilation unless immediate capitulation was forthcoming. The individual they chose to deliver the surrender was Captain Malkin, for precisely the reason he had earned his reputation: he would never consent to a suicide mission, sacrificing his vessel for the greater good of the civilization he represented. Fully aware of the reason Malkin was chosen, his superiors ordered him and a hand-picked crew to do precisely that: approach the Invaders on the pretext of surrender and within range, destroy both ships. As compensation for sacrificing their lives, the five members of the Mystic Prophet were permitted access to a drug that induced a specific, chosen dream, allowing the sleeper the sensation of experiencing a full and complete “life” within a span of 48 hours. I Am the Ship is a mixed genre science fiction thriller that encompasses the dream-like imaginings of five people, taking them on not always predictable or desirable fantasies, before bringing the story into the present where Captain Malkin faces what will be his ultimate challenge: destroy the enemy or save his ship.
Written by: S.L. Kotar and J.E. Gessler
Published by: Ahead of The Press
Date Published: 01/19/2020
ISBN: 978-1-950-392-39-1 and 978-1-950-392-40-7
Available in: Ebook Paperback