Wolf Eyes

Wolf Eyes S.L. Kotar / J.E. Gessler
Wolf Eyes S.L. Kotar / J.E. Gessler

A Historical Fiction by
S.L. Kotar and J.E. Gessler

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Wolf Eyes
Wolf Eyes Summary When Ian MacDhui lost his sheep farm to the Conglomerate, the Scottish widower knew it was time to fulfil his late wife’s dream and immigrate to the United States with their two young daughters. Visiting on a tourist visa, they quickly discover that the New York of 1965 was not what they envisioned. Outcasts because of their foreignness, Meg and Storm want nothing more than to return home. Realizing, however, they have no home to crawl back to, Ian must keep up their spirits while smothering his own sinking emotions. Desperate to find a respectable job lacking both the requisite immigration papers and the skills to survive in a vast metropolis, Ian quickly learns the harsh reality of his situation. Going from place to place to find work, he eventually accepts a position that comes with humiliation and very little money. Forced to look elsewhere, his dream of a respectable job quickly disintegrates into the depths of New York’s street scene. The attempt to keep up appearances for the sake of his daughters, as well as for his own sanity, quickly teaches Ian how to lie. What else he learns as he struggles for survival comes close to shattering his identity and his soul. Only after developing the friendship of one as degraded as he can the MacDhuis move forward, hoping against hope some light shines at the end of the tunnel.
Written by: S.L. Kotar and J.E. Gessler
Published by: Ahead of The Press
Date Published: 08/10/2019
ISBN: 978-1-945594-99-1 and 978-1-950392-30-8
Available in: Ebook Paperback