Nurya Love Parish

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NURYA LOVE PARISH was raised in a nonreligious home and is an adult convert to Christianity and the Episcopal Church. She is co-founder and Executive Director of Plainsong Farm, a new farm-based ministry, and priest-in-charge with Holy Spirit Episcopal Church, both in greater Grand Rapids, Michigan. She serves on the Episcopal Church s Advisory Council for the Stewardship of Creation and the 79th General Convention’s Legislative Committee on Environmental Stewardship and Care of Creation. As a former deanery chair and member of the Diocese of Western Michigan s Bishop Search Team and Diocesan Council, she is intimately familiar with the challenges of church renewal today. A graduate of Harvard Divinity School, she has more than twenty years of ministry experience spanning two denominations and the pre- and post-digital age. Follow her at

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Nurya’s first book:

Resurrection Matters