the ReproBate saga
Book IV – thickeR than Blood

he ReproBate saga Book 4: thickeR than Blood by: S.L. Kotar / J.E. Gessler
he ReproBate saga Book 4: thickeR than Blood by: S.L. Kotar / J.E. Gessler

Best Civil War Fiction by
S.L. Kotar and J.E. Gessler

Published by: Ahead of the Press

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the ReproBate saga Book IV: thickeR than Blood
thickeR than Blood the ReproBate saga Book IV Rudy and Rose are separated by an ocean and the even wider gulf of the ever-pressing War Between the States but are never far from each other’s thoughts. During his absence, Rose has successfully established herself as Rudy's chancellor, using the Blake House just outside London as her port of operations. She has procured war materiel beyond even her wildest dreams and anxiously awaits Rudy's return, only too well aware of the danger he faces bringing his schooner through the Union blockade at Wilmington. The Reprobate's arrival into Liverpool harbor immeasurably relieves her concern for his safety and marks the beginning of another whirlwind set of new and unexpected adventures. His familiarity with the Continent has them hobnobbing with London's high society, walking hand-in-hand through the streets of Paris and meeting and paying homage to a Jamaican witch. In an unexpected turn of events, Rudy fulfils his promise to share a storm at sea by bringing Rose with him on his return to the Confederate States. With her help, he and the crew evade the costal blockade of five Union warships and participate in the celebrations that ensue with the Reprobate’s successful arrival into Wilmington. With his reputation as a scoundrel and reprobate alerting the unfriendly Rebel authorities to keep an eye on the pair, they encounter both known and unforeseen dangers before returning to England in what they both realize will be one of his last voyages before she is compelled to sell his ships. With the realization the War is drawing to a close, they must also face the fact his obligation is to bring Elspeth back with him to England – a task neither anticipate with anything but dread.
Written by: S.L. Kotar and J.E. Gessler
Published by: Ahead of The Press
Date Published: 08/30/2018
Edition: 1
ISBN: 978-1-945594-67-0 and 978-1-945594-68-7
Available in: Ebook Paperback